Saturday, April 10, 2010

Sundance Never Went to Sundance

Sorry about the misleading header, folks! We thought we were going to Sundance but with all the well craziness we stayed in Santa Fe.

Dad is going out to Santa Fe next week and I have asked him to continue my blog, even though I'm not going (woof!). I am going back in May.

After some discussion, I've allowed him to continue with the "Sundance ... Sundance" header, even though it's getting more misleading by the week.

This is a photo of the fake diner they built for my favorite movie, "Wild Hogs." That's "hogs," not "dogs." You can't get anything at this place, but you can pose for pictures. This is in the town of Madrid, which is where our land is. Actually it's not "incorporated," which means that all of us, hogs included, are in Santa Fe county.

Dad will be taking over from me as of April 14. In the meantime, as we Dogs say, "woof woof."