Wednesday, March 19, 2008

From Hiking Tent Rocks to Picking Sage on the Rio Grande!

I have been a very busy dog today. We got up early and drove on this really bumpy road to a place called Tent Rocks for a hike. We got there and then climbed up through these really wild, winding canyons with these really weird rocks that looked like cones. I figured I was going to be a hiking dog again and so I ran and jumped my way up ... and then we were at the very top. It was pretty amazing, huge mountains everywhere I looked, not to mention smells of birds and squirrels and coyotes.
We headed back down and there were dozens and dozens of kids coming up; I was glad we got up ahead of them and had some quiet time to enjoy the view.
Then we went back into Santa Fe and Mom did some shopping for jeans; she got some she liked. We then went up north to near the town Taos, where we headed into the Rio Grande gorge because Mom knows this place to pick fresh sage, which she later sells at the same places we sell jewelry. She found great sage. Meanwhile, Dad took me down to the bank of the Rio Grande where I dug the best holes ever!! There was all this cool grass and I started nosing into it, and then I just had to dig, and then there was all this grass and bushes and I had to burrow under that, then there was another place where I had to dig and snort and then and dig and snort and ... well, I won't bore you with all the dog details, but it was a great time.
I'm not tired tonight. Other than I keep falling asleep all the time.
Sudance and the Two Banditos

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