Saturday, January 1, 2011

Black Dog in White Sands

Today, deciding that the Santa Fe area was just too cold and windy for us, we took a road trip to southern New Mexico: we traveled 4 1/2 hours down to the White Sands National Monument, where the temperature hit 36 degrees (it was 7 when we left Santa Fe).

It was fabulous! The whole place is covered with this fine white gypsum sand, which Mom tells me is some kid of mineral that washes down from the mountains, then turns into crystals, then they turn into sand dunes which blow and shift every which way for thousands of years. Right now she says the dunes cover 275 square miles, whatever that means.

From the moment my feet hit the sands, I was running. It was like snow, except not cold. I hope I go again soon. I slept the 4 1/2 hours back. (You try running 2 miles in powdery gypsum sand when your legs are two inches long ...!)


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