Sunday, April 17, 2011

Crazy Place!

Today we had a nice day, meeting up with our friends Rosie and Michael and their dog Otto, my friend from a few days ago. We drove down the Turquoise Trail to a hardware store, where Dad bought statue-mounting hardware and Mom bought planting soil. There was a flea market across the street and everybody bought something: Mike, a pair of cowboy boots; Mom, needle nose pliers and a ring sizer; Dad, a pick mattock; and Rosie, too many things to be listed.

Then we went up the Sandia Highway to the Tinker Town Museum, which is too crazy to be described. Apparently inside there are hundreds upon hundreds of wood carvings by this guy. They don't allow dogs. But even outside, it was quite wild.

We continued up toward Sandia Peak. The humans had lunch at a picnic area, and us dogs had some snacks too, and we also met some other friendly dogs. The cold winds were all overhead, but our picnic table was in the sun and warm.

Up at the top, it was cold and windy, and Dad said we were at 11,000 feet, with Albuquerque 6000 feet below us.

We were glad to get home and hang out at the Casita. We're starting to get ready to go home, but that's OK. I miss the cats.

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