Friday start miles: 9227 end miles: 9433
Well, we made it! Sundance is this just really beautiful place, which is right for a place I'm named after. I'll get to all that it a minute, but first I have to tell you about yesterday.
Yesterday (Friday) Mom got up early and found a great Curves in Rock Springs, Wyo., where the women warned her about these mountain ranges on the way to Salt Lake City called the Three Sisters, and said we should wait until there was plenty of light.
Mom was eager to get to Salt Lake City because she wanted to shop at the Sundance Outlet Store, so we programmed the store into the GPS and took off. I didn't think the Three Sisters were that big of a deal after some of the mountains we'd been through in Wyoming. At the end, we went down through this steep mountain pass with wild snow squalls -- and then we were in Salt Lake City.
Salt Lake City was really great because we finally got to get out of the car and do some walking! After Mom got finished at the store, we walked around the Sugarhouse district, which was a lot of stores and a nice park with a river. Then after Mom and Dad had lunch we found a motel; they drove all over the city trying to find one that wasn't a Motel 6 (which we hate because there's always something wrong), but we ended up in one anyway because -- I know this is hard to believe -- a lot of motels don't wat dogs!!
Then we took a big walk around where the Mormon Temple is, and an even bigger walk down to the old railroad terminal called "Union Pacific" and also "Gateway". The terminal has been fixed up and has these great stained glass windows about railroads. There was also this very nice family who patted me half to death, and even more stores, more stores than you've ever seen in one place.
All the walking tired me out, which was a good thing because the thing wrong with this Motel 6 was the people in the next room stayed up all night talking and partying and didn't quiet down until Mom and Dad had called the front desk three times, which by then was half a hour before my breakfast time, which is always 5 a.m.
Today Mom went to a Curves in Salt Lake City, and then we picked up some groceries and drove out to the Great Salt Lake. Mom and Dad weren't too impressed; the lake has been drying up and is a lot smaller than it used to be. I thought it was fine because I got to run all over the beach for almost an hour.
Then it was back in the car, but this was a short trip down the highway and, after lunch, we drove up into this really deep Provo Canyon, where the snow immediately started, and took a left turn, and there we were -- Sundance!
We are staying in a palace, which Mom says is our reward for all the Motel 6's. It's all wood and windows, with a big bed facing the fireplace and a separate kitchen and bathroom and I can run in a big circle around the place with Mom's sock or Dad's slipper in my mouth and they can never catch me. We took a walk down to the ski area which is where the restaurant, deli and general store are, and walked back -- a good walk, with it snowing harder.Then Mom and Dad drove back down so that I could stay in the car while they shopped, except that the snow was pouring and there were these people skidded on the road. Dad helped them get out.
Now we are cozy in for the night, at Sundance.
1 comment:
Sundance sounds great! You're a great writer, you should get this published!
Love Your Human Cousin,
Yo, Little Cous!
Sundance must be awesome! I wish Maddie, Mom and Dad would take me!
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