Friday, March 21, 2008

To Make Trip Shorter I Chomped the Cord!

Yesterday was WAY too much! We ended up driving more than 900 miles, with that woman in the GPS talking the whole way. This morning started off the same way, and so I chomped the GPS power cord. She didn't shut up at first, I guess it has batteries, but by tonight she was gone. Mom and Dad weren't too happy, so I did other projects and slept.
We left Santa Fe yesterday very early and drove out of the nice hills into more and more flat country. It got more and more windy, and we saw these big white windmills all over the place making electricity out of wind -- which you have to admit is pretty cool. At one point, we pulled off the highway so Dad could get some pictures of the big huge windmills.
We got into Oklahoma and immediately pulled off into a welcome station, and I felt really welcome: they had a big caged area where I could run around without a leash and smell, and let me tell you, I could write a book about the smells! I wish other states made me feel this welcome, but they don't.
We then drove throught Oklahoma, where there were an awful lot of cows, which I think I know what they are but I've never really seen one up close. Overall, I was pretty happy to snooze in the car after a couple of hard days hiking. It got really windy, pushing the car around, so the windmills made sense.
Then it was up to Dad to drive the extra four hours through Arkansas to get to a place called Little Rock. There was a very pretty almost-full moon but I didn't see much of it, being asleep.
We found a very nice Super 8 motel, our favorite kind, and went to sleep about midnight, but I guess I didn't give Mom and Dad a very good sleep because as you know I wake up at 5:30.
Today has been Mom's birthday and we've all been excited about that. She and Dad managed to convince me to go back to sleep until about 6:30. Then we headed out of Arkansas into Tennessee. I guess there has been a lot of rain because all the rivers were overflowing, and a lot of low fields were flooded.
We went over this HUGE river called the Mississippi about 10:30 and got out of the car in this really cool city Memphis. We walked down and up this famous Beale Street, and then Mom went into this very famous Peabody Hotel where she was just in time to see these very famous ducks come out of the elevator and parade down to a fountain where they spend their days. Mom says there were hundreds of tourists snapping photos. I wasn't allowed in which was probably just as well, since I might have eaten one of the ducks.
We also had a tourist offer to take a picture of the three of us in front of a statue of this very famous guitarist Elvis.
Then we drove most of the afternoon to Nashville, and stopped to shop for dinner at a Whole Foods in this Hillsboro neighborhood where everybody seemed very rich and there were a lot of expensive stores. I was ADORED by mothers and children, but Mom and Dad seemed glad to get out of there.
We drove past dark and found another cool Super 8 close to the Virginia border, where we had a birthday feast for Mom. She and Dad had a yellow cake with extravagant butter cream frosting which they said was terrific, but of course dogs don't get that kind of thing!!!
It was amazing in Tennessee, green grass everywhere and people in shorts and sandels -- something I don't think I've ever seen! However, Mom and Dad tell me tomorrow that we're going back to New Hampshire, where there's just as much snow as when we left.
Oh well.
Sundance and the Two Banditos

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Pammy!

Tom and Jess