Sunday, March 21, 2010

Hike to the Mica Mine

This is me and Dad at the mica mine, a hike we took this morning to celebrate Mom's birthday. She and Dad went out for a blue corn pinon pancake breakfast (using our own maple syrup) and then we drove up to Ojo Caliente, a famous hot spring resort ... but we didn't bother with the resort, just walked the 2 miles up a trail to the mica mine. The trail and the countryside were beautiful. Not sure why they ever wanted to dig mica out of the ground, but the stuff they left was all very shiny and pretty cool.

Then we drove down this very scary road over the Rio Grande gorge and got to Mom's secret sage fields, where she clipped sage, and Dad followed me around while I waded in the Rio Grande, rolled in the grass and got tangled in the sage next to Mom.

After that we drove back to Santa Fe and drove up and down Cerillos Road for a couple of hours, a big highway with lots of traffic and shopping malls which I never saw the point of. However, we did get to go to Jackalope, this crazy store that has a prairie dog village in it, and after I saw the prairie dogs I went nuts for the rest of my time at Jackalope.

Tonight, Mom and Dad went out for a fancy dinner and I slept. We're back at our casita and I'm doing some serious sleeping.