Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Manyana is the word of the day.

Unfortunately there is no photo of me today because Mom forgot to charge the camera.
It was quite a busy day. We went out to our land because the well was suppose to get stated today. We were greeted by a couple of people and a very big dog camping on the entrance of our property in a school bus. They couldn't get into their property because the melting snow had made their road impassable so they decided to make this their temporary home. They told Mom and Dad that the gravel pit on the edge of our property had become somewhat of an attraction lately because gold had been discovered. The area that the land is in is known for turquoise and gold.
They did not start to drill the well today because the drillers had it scheduled for tomorrow. We all walked the land with Tomas the son of the owner and agreed on the site to be drilled- his grandfather had doused it his morning.
Tomas was using a bulldoser to cut a new road for the drilling equipment and the plan was he, his Dad and others were suppose to start tomorrow. We left Tomas and the people in the bus and went back to Santa Fe to walk the city. We talked with some people and they said a mountain lion was running around the city yesterday and right near where we are staying- yikes.
We were suppose to go out to the land tomorrow but Dad just got a call from Tomas of the well company Tomas's Dad collapsed and died on another job- Dad and Mom are upset for them.
This has been a very weird day.

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