Sunday, August 26, 2012

Goodbye for Now

 This morning we went to the flea market -- again! Same people, same stuff, same smells.
 Then we did something very different: a hayride (behind a tractor) through the Santo Domingo pueblo to see their new idea for growing crops -- sunflowers.
 A woman from the University explained that the tall sunflowers are for sunflower oil, biofuel and walking sticks. The short ones are for seeds. One Santa Domingo woman started this, and the tribe has  only been doing it for two years, but they are very excited about it.
 This is Mom and me next to a field of short sunflowers. You know how much Mom loves sunflowers. She was just as excited as the Indians!
Now we are packing up to go home. As usual I am sad to leave New Mexico, but happy to be going home to my couch and my friends the cats. I'll blog you next time!  Love, Sundance

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