Friday, August 24, 2012

Snoozin' in the Car

 We spent a lot of today in the car driving out to Chaco Canyon. This is what's left of an old old city that Indians built a thousand years ago. They were wicked good architects and craftsmen, according to Mom and Dad.
They cut stones from the canyon cliffs and made cement from river mud and carried trees from a hundred miles away. Even with the wild weather, their buildings are still strong.
 I had to look at it from the car because they don't allow dogs. Actually I spent most of the day in the car which was fine with me, because I woke up still feeling a little sick from our hailstorm adventure in the Pecos and I didn't even want breakfast. (If you can imagine!) But after a day riding around northern New Mexico I felt fine.
The four of us had a hearty dinner on the deck of the casita and watched a really beautiful sunset. Guess I'm just a car-trip dog because I really enjoyed today.

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